Project GOALS
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Project GOALS

An Advanced Technological Education targeted research project

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Yes You Can and Should Coach Students Career Development and Professional Success Skills

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Presented at the California Community College Association for Occupational Educators on November 2, 2022 (1 hour): Get an overview of the Project GOALS framework and coaching tools to help faculty support CTE students’ professional skill development. These have been co-designed and tested by faculty members at Evergreen Valley College in San Jose, CA. Key moments: 5:21 Intro; 11:06 Skills development framework; 19:22 List of materials on website; 20:12 A workforce dean’s perspective on why success is not only about technical skills; 22:35 A workforce instructor’s perspective on how to move away from lecture to labs where skills are visible; 25:02 Audience Q&A – firing often is based on lack of these professional skills; need to go to high school dual enrollment level; what are the strategies? 32:21 What deans need to do to support faculty; 35:39 What faculty need to do to support student learning; 40:23 Example of student learning these skills in class; 53:17 Walk through lesson planning tool.

Watch Yes You Can and Should Coach Students Career Development and Professional Success Skills



  • Study how to foster a programmatic approach to employability skills development
  • Support rapid creation and testing of specific methods to teach employability skills
  • Measure and compare the growth in selected employability skills, and
  • Produce reusable methods, tools, and resources to enable program scalability


What are Employability Skills?

Graphic: CTE Core competencies

Lesson Planning Sheet

Use or adapt this sheet to incorporate the GOALS coaching and reflection tools into your class. The sheet includes tabs explaining: different ways to design lab activities, video links to introduce professional skills, rubrics that both students and instructors can use to rate these skills, ways to use experiences from CTE class labs to inform resumes and interviews, and other resources.

Download the Project GOALS Lesson Planning Sheet

Videos Introducing the Importance of Employability Skills

Use these videos to offer a way to introduce students to these skills. You may use these in class or assign them as homework. We encourage a little reflection around them, either in a brief class discussion or in a brief written reflection (e.g., “Have you used some of these skills? What’s your view of their importance? Based on your experience, why do you think they’re important?”).

Project Timeline

Graphic: Project three year timeline

Contacts & Partners


Louise Yarnall, PI,
Roberta Kunkel, Co-PI,
Maniphone S. Dickerson, Co-PI,
Àngel G. Fuentes, Co-PI,
Rebecca Griffiths, Co-PI,

SRI Education, Menlo Park, CA
Evergreen Valley College, San Jose, CA
San José-Evergreen Community College District, San Jose, CA
Lyon Associates, Capitola, CA (Evaluator)


This work is supported by the National Science Foundation under DUE#2000881. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF.