Teaching Resources
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Teaching Resources

Teaching Resources

We identified several teaching tips and resources used by our interviewees or discussed in the research literature suitable for one or more of the stages of employability skills development.

Strong Interest Inventory

View This 50-minute, 291-item test checks for categories of career interest: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, ...

College-to-Career Transition Inventory

View This 25-minute, 60-item assessment is administered by paper to groups of secondary students to ...

Comprehensive Executive Function Inventory

View This 15-minute 100-item assessment may administered to individuals or groups online. It is a ...

Listening Skills Inventory

View This 15-minute online individual assessment features items designed to measure physical and mental attentiveness ...

Communication Skills Assessment

View This 15-minute online individual asssessment features 38 items designed to measure insightfulness, verbal expression, ...

Interpersonal Intelligence Inventory

View The peer evaluation tool features 25 items desigend to support team building skill development ...

Mindset Scholars Network

View The Mindset Scholars Network offers a variety of research reports illustrating and evaluating classroom ...

National Coalition for Women in IT

View National Center for Women in IT (NCWIT) offers a variety of reports, assessments, and ...

Biomedical Equipment Skill Standards

Download This is a field-specific standard from the Texas Skill Standards. It offers a model ...

Self-Managing Teams

Download This paper by project advisor Diego Navarro shares his findings about how to build ...

CWIT Pre-Apprenticeship Curriculum Guide

Download This report offers a set of activities that technician educators can integrate into their ...

CWIT Breaking New Ground

Download This report describes factors that lead women to stay in the trades or leave ...

CWIT Tools for Success

Download This pamphlet provides resume guidance to women seeking jobs in the trades ...

Chicago Women in Trades (CWIT)

Download Chicago Women in Trades (CWIT) offers a range of materials to support women in ...

Vermont Works for Women

View This website offers links to programs supporting women and girls in technician fields ...

NASA presentation and slides on how to build effective project teams

Download This slide deck and video presents the NASA approach to building effective teams. From ...

Texas CTE Employability Skills Framework

View Texas has created skill standards for various fields, and employability skill standards are part ...

Employability Skills Framework – Lesson Planning Checklist

Download A lesson planning template that helps instructors call out specific activities to build employability ...

Soft skills checklist

Download An infographic with checklist that employers can use to encourage self-assessment of soft skills ...