This slide deck and video presents the NASA approach to building effective teams.
From National Aeronautics and Space Administration. (2019). Virtual project management challenge. Washington, DC: NASA.
Texas has created skill standards for various fields, and employability skill standards are part of each. You can search this website by field and find the relevant employability skills within the standards for each field.
From Texas Workforce Investment Council.
A lesson planning template that helps instructors call out specific activities to build employability skills.
From Groves, J. B. (2020). Employability skills and their application to project management: Developing the IT workforce. Convocation presentation. Richmond, TX: Wharton County Junior College.
An infographic with checklist that employers can use to encourage self-assessment of soft skills
From Dude Solutions. (2020). The 5 soft skills operations professionals need to succeed. Cary, NC: Dude Solutions.
Authors recommend techniques such as providing learners with guidelines and/or prompts to list subtasks needed to complete a larger task, the resources and tools needed to complete each subtask, and ways to prioritize each subtask by importance to achieving the goal. They recommend offering learners
Authors recommend techniques such as showing examples of excellent work and discussing what elements make it excellent and providing clear guidelines about how product excellence is the goal--not mere "effort."
From Wilson, M., & Gerber, L. E. (2008). How generational theory can improve teaching: strategies
Authors created a self-assessment questionnaire of students' learning about business fundamentals as part of a simulated business project. This may be used to help instructors and students check learning.
From Seethamraju, R. (2011). Enhancing student learning of enterprise integration and business process orientation through an
Authors created an online environment for students to create and operate an e-commerce website. The project required students to form teams, write a business plan, develop an e-shop, engage in e-shopping on various team platforms, and evaluate each team's platform. This excerpt from the research
Authors engaged IT students in both technical and business-oriented tasks, such as discussing financial aspects of a project and selling their solution. As part of this project, the authors required teams to generate project notebooks addressing both technical and business elements. This scoring rubric illustrates
Authors recommend assigning a technical task that requires students from distinct technical courses to coordinate. This involves creating a task for two or more different technical classes and then requiring students to form teams, meet, and coordinate the technical aspects of the work. The researchers